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Danvers 5K Fun Swim."Oh, I mean Run"

Danvers, MA, December 10, 2008

Overall Results

01) James DeLucca		18:25	Personal Record. Nice run.						
02) Tim Short			19:05	
03) Scott Carrier		19:13	
04) Annie Rose Willis		20:07	First Female	
05) Matt Adams			20:46		
06) Crystal Anthony		20:47	
07) Jay Molloy			21:15		
08) Colleen Ryan		21:17	
09) Kevin Strom			21:29	
10) Aaron Toloes		22:17	
11) Tim Goulter			22:22	
12) Jen Howland			22:31		
13) Dean Malerba		22:49		
14) Joe Miles			22:56	 
15) Liz Touchette		22:59	
16) Greg Lynch			23:04	Personal Record. I guess dark, cold and rainy is a good motivator.			
17) Steve Touchette		23:11	
18) Frank Lanzillo		23:22		
19) Billy Shea			23:25	
20) Jim Barry			23:25	Personal Record. Nice run.
21) kevin Collins		23:51	you know there are some waves somewhere with this storm.
22) Dan Keith			23:55	Who said you could go to MY Gym?
23) Kevin Counihan		26:17	
24) Eric Knight			36:20	First Run. Personal Trainer Extraordinare.