Danvers 5K Fun Run

Danvers, MA, June 11, 2008

Overall Results

01) Tim Short		18:19	New Course Record AGAIN.
02) Chris Soucy		20:28	Gives people directions to the beach. Even when they don't ask.
03) Billy Prentiss	20:54	
04) Trey Sullivan	21:21	First Run. Fastest kid in a head band. 	
05) John Mahoney	22:21	P.R.
06) Aaron Tye		22:33	
07) Nicole Blumberg 	22:38	First Female	P.R.
08) John Bosse		22:45	You have to bring cake and ice cream next week.
09) Sarah Longo 	22:46	you have to beat John next week, or else no cake and ice cream.
10) Mike Paddol		22:49	
11) Linda Barrows	23:04	First Run
12) Amber Palacola	23:24	
13) Larissa Lang	24:36	Aka. La La.
14) Kate Gage		24:55	
15) Tom McMahon		25:01	First Run
16) Debbie Michaud 	25:02					
17) Michael Mike Hale	25:14	P.R.
18) Dean Malerba	25:28	First Run
19) Ethan Tye		25:51
20) Dave Tye		26:14	
21) Goerge Anderson	26:16	
22) Diane Weymouth	27:14	
23) Kevin Whitehead 	28:22	$120. good stuff, let me know if you need parts. DRINK UP.
24) Susan Keezer	32:20
25) Tricia Pini		33:20	First Run  P.R.
| Quote of the Week: "My youthful vigor belies my chronological age." -Sir Liam Brady.
I would like to ask everyone toshow some support for Eileen Dunn's TAN. She is trapped surfing on a beach in San Diego. I know this severe climate change has endangered her TAN, and could possibly accelerate it into a full fledged burn. We can only hope that the native surfers, volleyballers, and baywatch lifeguards will be on hand to proper CPR, oh I mean...SPF, in case of an emergency. All our hopes are with you and your private surf instructor Chip. Shakkah Eileen...shakkah.