Danvers 5K Slightly Damp Fun Run

Danvers, MA, June 4, 2008

Overall Results

01) Jeff Lane		19:06	First Run. Nice first run
02) Greg Esbitt		19:10	First Run. Nice first run
03) Arron Tolios	20:00	
04) Chris Soucy		20:12	Looks like Chuck Norris now. 	
05) Billy Prentiss	21:06	
06) Joe Miles		21:22	Rode 90 Miles on a yellow scooter to run tonight.
07) Kristen Barry 	21:23	First Run
08) Aaron Tye		21:44
09) Frank Lanzillo	21:52			
10) Caleb Blanchette	22:27	
11) Ethan Tye		23:52	P.R.
12) Mike Splaine	23:54	First Run
13) John Bosse		24:03	
14) Eileen Dunn		25:41	Inching her way back to being my favorite
15) Rockin Ron Tolios 	39:59					
(The Little Depot Diner) Peabody Square.
One of our good friends and fellow runners family has a little eatery that should be on your list. Joe Miles, and the Miles family have a great little Diner right in Peabody Square. The food, service, and atmosphere, are sure to make you a regular. So do your taste buds a favor and treat them to one of their offerings. Be sure and ask for there special butter. So if you find yourself in Peabody Square look for the Bright Yellow (Little Depot Diner).