17 years and still running.

  • Merch Bulk Ordering!

    Merch Bulk Ordering!

    Use the form below to request your D5k items. Bulk order will be placed around March 6th. Loading…

  • Come celebrate 17 years of the D5K!

    Come celebrate 17 years of the D5K!

    Hosted by Tim and Michelle. Please RSVP at the following link and sign up to bring an item for the potluck: pp.events/aaBY24Bq ** Please note the date – this years party is the week before Thanksgiving ** After the run (7:45ish) head over to 12 Kimberly Dr. for food, drinks and fun. The party will…

  • Sweet 16 Runiversary & Party

    Sweet 16 Runiversary & Party

    Please join us on November 22 for our Sweet 16 Runiversary & Party. We will be back at Tim & Michelle’s house for the post run party: 12 Kimberly Drive, Danvers. In order to start the party earlier, the run will be moved to 6pm just for this day. If you cannot make it for…

  • I Dare You! Yeti 24 Hour 50k Challenge

    I Dare You! Yeti 24 Hour 50k Challenge

    This weekend, starting on Friday at 4 pm, my son Griffin and I will be taking on the Yeti 24 hour 50k challenge. This will be the second time we embark on this journey derived during the height of the Covid pandemic. Here are the details: Who’s in with us? I may even create finisher…

  • Reflecting on the new year

    Reflecting on the new year

    Katy and Tom had a close call at the Hobart Street/Pickering intersection tonight. Be careful out there and make sure to wear your reflective gear. We welcomed a new runner tonight, Pete Bratton! Results: January 11, 2023 Place Name Bib# Time Pace 1 Junyong Pak 8 18:50 06:04.5 2 Adam Bellatreche 1601 23:21 07:31.9 3…

  • 2023 First run of the new year!

    2023 First run of the new year!

    Back to starting on Cherry Street. Across from Pub 49, the old Osborn Tavern.

  • My Curtain Call

    My Curtain Call

    En medias res  I woke up this morning and some how it was 5,474 days later. If those days were pages they would equal a very substantial chapter of my life. The title of that chapter would of course be called “The D5K” and you have all played a part in its writing. Today is…

  • D5K 12-Year Raniversary

    D5K 12-Year Raniversary

    When: Wednesday, November 27th, 2019 Where (RUN): Panini Pizzaria (as usual) Time: Promptly at 7-ish. (pm) Where (PARTY): @ Tim’s House. 12 Kimberly Drive, Danvers, MA. Why: Because…he was silly enough to take all of us in. (champion). You are all invited to come help celebrate our 12th year of keeping the Danvers drivers on…

  • D5K 10-Year Anniversary “Running Tough”

    D5K 10-Year Anniversary “Running Tough”

      When: Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017 Where: 141 Pine Street. Danvers, MA Time: Promptly at 7-ish. (pm) Why: Because…we always Running Tough. You are all invited to come help celebrate our 10 year anniversary of the D5K. I hope you can all come be apart of this years festivities. What we hope can be expected…

  • D5K 9-Year Anniversary Spectacular

    D5K 9-Year Anniversary Spectacular

    When: Wednesday, November 23th, 2016 Where: 141 Pine Street. Danvers, MA Time: Promptly at 7-ish. (pm) Why: Because…9 timessss. You are all invited to the 9 year anniversary of the D5K. I hope you can all come be apart of this years festivities. What we hope can be expected from this years shenanigans: What we…