I would like to take a moment on behalf of myself and the D5K to congratulate all of our D5k’rs who took part in the this years Disney Marathon in Florida. For those of you not familiar wit this event it breaks down like this. There is a 13.1 mile half marathon, a 26.2 mile full marathon, and if you can believe it a 39.3 mile “Goofy Challenge” A combination of both the half and full marathon. I am proud to say that the D5K had runners participating in all 3 of these of these run options.
Now…here’s where the hook comes in. When you think of Florida, one might assume your mind conjures up images of sunshine, beaches, warm weather, and of course…old people. This year however other than the old people NONE of those Florida Postcard images were present. Quite the opposite in fact. This years runners were not only competing against the clock and personal goals. They had to compete against mother nature herself. Walt Disney himself could have cast a better evil queen for this event. From the information that I received the temperatures for the event hovered in the mid 20’s! “That’s Fahrenheit, not Celsius” Rain, Wind, and even Sleet were all extra foes to be added to the already formidable event.
Did you know water freezes at 32 degrees? This fact was brutally apparent at any of the water stops along the course. “Ice skating rinks” are how they were described to me. “Water to cold to drink” and “Powerade Slush” were a few other descriptions that created a vivid picture in my mind.
Now for the sunshine. All of the D5K runners who set out on this testing challenge finished, and I believe finished well. For some it was there first marathon, others there first half marathon, mix in a few veterans to both the Marathon and Goofy Challenge and you have a family of runners whose belief and support in each other prove greater than the adverse conditions that were placed in front of them.
So on behalf of myself and the D5K, I would like to congratulate you and all the runners on an accomplishment well earned.
Official Results: Click Here