Back Shore 5 Miler

Congrats to Annie Rose (3rd place women) and Dave Long (1st Male 30-39).

4 David Long           98   3/32   M3039 M BEVERLY      MA   29:44  5:57
25 Annie Rose Willis   310   2/24   F2029 F DANVERS      MA   32:36  6:32
31 Aaron Toleos        172  11/32   M3039 M BOXFORD      MA   33:57  6:48
33 Matt Adams            1  12/32   M3039 M BEVERLY      MA   34:20  6:52
37 T.R. Ramsdell       137   8/44   M4049 M BEVERLY      MA   34:42  6:57
44 Dean Malerba        275   9/44   M4049 M LYNNFIELD    MA   35:26  7:06
58 Frank Lanzillo      210  11/44   M4049 M DANVERS      MA   36:15  7:15
163 KEVIN COUNIHAN       37  35/44   M4049 M BEVERLY      MA   43:54  8:47




