This week is Bay State Bike Week. So pump up those tires and go for a bike ride. Maybe even bike to work or something. is a great organization that works hard to promote bicycling in the state of Massachusetts. So check out there site for all the details on how to participate.
This is my new single-speed commuter bike. The fine folk over at Western Cycle in Danvers Square helped me put this together. I have had this bike for about 2 weeks now, and since then have only driven my car once. I have been running all my errands (including groceries) with this bike. I certainly didn’t stop at every tree to give it a nice firm HUG, but I certainly have felt more of a reconnect with myself and my bodies natural abilities. Think about it as you reach for the keys this summer…who knows maybe you will rekindle that feeling you had when you were a child, when riding your bike gave you that feeling of fun and freedom.