Category: Uncategorized
I Dare You! Yeti 24 Hour 50k Challenge
This weekend, starting on Friday at 4 pm, my son Griffin and I will be taking on the Yeti 24 hour 50k challenge. This will be the second time we embark on this journey derived during the height of the Covid pandemic. Here are the details: Who’s in with us? I may even create finisher…
My Curtain Call
En medias res I woke up this morning and some how it was 5,474 days later. If those days were pages they would equal a very substantial chapter of my life. The title of that chapter would of course be called “The D5K” and you have all played a part in its writing. Today is…
D5K 12-Year Raniversary
When: Wednesday, November 27th, 2019 Where (RUN): Panini Pizzaria (as usual) Time: Promptly at 7-ish. (pm) Where (PARTY): @ Tim’s House. 12 Kimberly Drive, Danvers, MA. Why: Because…he was silly enough to take all of us in. (champion). You are all invited to come help celebrate our 12th year of keeping the Danvers drivers on…
D5K 10-Year Anniversary “Running Tough”
When: Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017 Where: 141 Pine Street. Danvers, MA Time: Promptly at 7-ish. (pm) Why: Because…we always Running Tough. You are all invited to come help celebrate our 10 year anniversary of the D5K. I hope you can all come be apart of this years festivities. What we hope can be expected…
D5K 9-Year Anniversary Spectacular
When: Wednesday, November 23th, 2016 Where: 141 Pine Street. Danvers, MA Time: Promptly at 7-ish. (pm) Why: Because…9 timessss. You are all invited to the 9 year anniversary of the D5K. I hope you can all come be apart of this years festivities. What we hope can be expected from this years shenanigans: What we…
D5K “8-Year Anniversary”
When: November 25th, 2015 Where: 141 Pine Street. Danvers, MA Time: Promptly at 7-ish. (pm) Why: Because we’re Awesome. You are all invited to the 8 year anniversary of the D5K. My my, how the time flies. I hope you can all come be apart of this years festivities. What we can expect from this…
Danvers Rotary 5K
What: 4th Annual Danvers Rotary 5k road race When: Sunday May 19th, 2013. Time: 9:00 am. Where: Peabody Institute Library of Danvers 15 Sylvan St. Danvers. Cost: $20 pre-registration. $10 for children 12 years and under. $25 day off. Kick off spring with a really fun 5k race here in Danvers. You can download the…
Never Stop Running
Feel free to use, share, and keep this image, if you would like.
To all participants of the Danvers 5k Fun Run, we will be instituting a few changes to our run that will address some safety concerns that the town has raised with regards to drivers, pedestrians, and us as runners. These changes are effective immediately, and if you wish to be a part of what we…
infographic for runners. boys vs. girls