Category: Uncategorized

  • October 29th, 2008. One Wicked Wednesday.

    I don’t know what normal people do on a Wednesday evening in late October. I can only speak for 65 plus slightly certifiable, mildly chilled and slightly shaken runners that spent a little time chasing the GLORY that we call the “D5K” First off, Many thanks to Mike Toomey and all the Wicked Runners who…

  • October 22nd, 2008

      Short and Sweet. My apologies on not being able to get to writing this post earlier. I wake up it’s Wednesday, I blink it’s Sunday, and some where in between I find myself here typing and krooked. Comforted only by the cold grip of a fresh Ipswich Ale.   Anyway, lets flashback to Wednesday evening,…

  • Stone Tower Trail Run on 10/26

    It wasn’t enough for Liam Brady to start-up our incredibly successful Danvers 5k Fun Run. Now he’s organized the Stone Tower Trail Run Challenge, a 15k and 5k trail race taking place this weekend in Lynn. More from Liam: I was halfway through one of my long Sunday morning training runs when I spotted the…

  • October 15, 2008

    Fun, fun, fun. Run, run, run. Both were in abundence this evening. So the first person I see tonight is Danny Chick, and after a friendly hello, he tells me to get ready for a new course record. Apparently Danny had brought down a “Ringer” We’ll see, is the obvious inner response going off in…

  • The 8th day of the 10th Month in the 2,008th year of recorded time.

    Another great evening for a run. With a group of 38 brave souls pushing there bodies around the mean streets of Danvers for the GLORY that is the “D5K” Kudos out to Crystal Anthony for coming in first overall “again” and setting a new female course record, previously held by: Crystal Anthony. With a time…

  • October First Two Thousand Eight

    I am not a Philosopher, at best, sometimes a drunken savant. Regardless, there is, to me an undeniable purity in the air at this time of year. The feel, the smell, the colors, natures grand finale so to speak. It is a great time to run. To stay with the word Purity for a moment,…

  • September 24, 2008

    Was there something in the Water? At 6:40pm I was sitting on a stool at Cody’s and counted 7 runners. So I was thinking to myself, “small group tonight, that’s Ok, I have a head cold, and I’m a little whiney” So 15 minutes, and 24 people later, I’m yelling “GO” and watched one of…

  • September 17, 2008

    What a beautiful night for a run, the weather couldn’t have been better.  We had a good sized group of 38 runners this week. Great job to our top five runners this week.  01) David Long                        18:34 02) James DeLuca                    19:17 03) Crystal Anthony                19:31 04) Annie Rose Willis               19:46 05) Rich Tabbut                       20:15 Welcome to our…

  • September 10, 2008

    We had a pretty good turn out of 35 runner this week and everyone did great!  Is this the first time we have had two girls in our top three, way to go Crystal and Annie. Crystal Anthony came in 1st this week with a time of 18:58.  James DeLuca came in 2nd with a time of 18:59.  Annie…

  • September 3, 2008

    We had a perfect night for a run, with clear skies and a light breeze to keep everyone cool.  We had a total of 37 runners this week and I’m very proud to say that the entire group finished in under 28 minutes.  Wow, I do believe you all have set a new PR for the D5k…