D5K 9-Year Anniversary Spectacular

When: Wednesday, November 23th, 2016

Where: 141 Pine Street. Danvers, MA

Time: Promptly at 7-ish. (pm)

Why: Because…9 timessss.

You are all invited to the 9 year anniversary of the D5K. I hope you can all come be apart of this years festivities.

What we hope can be expected from this years shenanigans:

  • Strengths of Feet
  • The D15K (for those who want to show up early)
  • The D5K (your loyal friend)
  • BBQ (and other food and snacks)
  • Libations (for all ages)
  • You (you will be there)
  • And hopefully things you will deny happened later on.

What we need from you:

I wish all this was free to create, but it’s not. So this is the part where we ask for your help. The bigger the budget the bigger the party.

So whether you can make it or not to the anniversary you can still help make it a great event, and show your support for the D5K.

We only have a few weeks to put all of this together so your prompt support would be appreciated.

Suggested donation is $20.

How do I give you all my money? Great question.

You can donate at the D5K for the next 2 weeks (Adam will happily take your money), or you can donate online using the “donate” button attached below.

If you have any questions at all feel free to let us know and we assure you a 70% chance of a response.



Thank you all who truly make this quirky little event happen every week…you’re nuts, just like us.



