D5K Straight Flush Plus the Deluca Bazooka Plus More

Living proof that Lyme Disease increases foot speed.

It looks like we have five races to cover this weekend so I am going to try and do it all in this one post. Before I get into it, I want to highlight two performances: (1) Ben Goodhue ran three 5ks this weekend PR’ing  on Saturday and placing 2nd 30-39 on Sunday, and (2) James Deluca who placed 3rd overall in his Saturday race (a PR I think) and 1st overall in his Sunday race.

Great job guys!

Friday – Winthrop Seaside Striders 5K Foot Race

Ben Goodhue appears to have been the lone D5Ker at this event, the first of three races for Ben over the weekend.

24   191 BEN GOODHUE   7/29   34 DANVERS   21:10  6:49

Saturday – Squirrel Run 5Miler in Quincy

Looks like it was a close finish. Like the sub-8s.

102   39:20  7:52    9 50-59   72 M   363 Jack McManus
105   39:34  7:55   18 40-49   75 M   103 Mark Jones

Saturday – Market Square Day 10k in Portsmouth, NH

19   10/235  M3039   38:02   38:03   6:08 David Long   35 M
1403 40/67   F5059 1:08:10 1:07:47  10:55 Betty Cooper 54 F

Saturday – Byfield Days 5k

D5Kers Invade Byfield
D5Kers Invade Byfield

This is my second week in a row running a race where organizers failed to produce results. Still nothing on coolrunning and not holding my breath.

Here’s what I do know:

3 – James Deluca –  (sub 18 and a pr?)

And the straight flush:

14 – Ben Goodhue (20:15, PR)
15 – Matt Adams (smiles as he passes TR)
16 – TR Ramsdell
17 – Frank Lanzillo
18 – Aaron/Adam Toleos (21:30, stroller)

Ben had both a fast and a smart race – starting last in our group and holding  a steady 6:30 pace to beat us all in the end. Note my sub 7 pace while pushing the stroller – not too shabby, eh?

Sunday – Burlington Rotary & Meals on Wheels 5K

A one/two finish for Wicked members and D5Kers Deluca and Short. Ben Goodhue aka Gouchie placed 2nd in the 30-39s. Dean Malerba placed 1st in the 40-49s.

1   1/10   M0129   17:59  5:48 James Deluca   25 M
2   2/10   M0129   18:45  6:03 Timothy Short  28 M
7   2/10   M3039   21:17  6:51 Ben Gouchie    34 M (Goodhue?)
9   1/12   M4049   21:35  6:57 Dean Melerbo   40 M (Malerba)
31   4/5   M5059   25:52  8:20 Douglas Bollen 50 M

– Aaron



