I still pause a minute when I right the date. It’s really 2009, I guess I have been to busy shoveling snow the past few months to pay attention to the calender. That being said, I welcome you to yet another installment of the prestigious D5K blog. A place where we take time to recognize the physical achievements of our godlike athletes who selflessly put themselves and there highly chiseled and toned physiques to the test week after week conquering the grueling distance of “FIVE METRIC KILOMETERS” I know…I know, I barely believed it myself, even after I saw it with my own eyes. It truly is a marvel of the heavens to be surrounded each week by these iconic spawns of Zeus and Nike themselves.
High Praise in the “Zeus” category this week goes to:
Mark Blaisdell, with a 20:02.
As for our Winged “Nike” this week:
Annie Rose Willis, with a 21:25.
We had three newcomers this week attempting to carve there names into our immortal ranks.
Mike Lansing. 20:03.
Joe Gray. 24:30.
Michelle brooks. 26:33.
I would like to thank the twenty one runners who showed up, hung out in the cold, and kept the tradition of the D5K going. We are in our transitional state right now with Codys in the process of moving. The following information is in regards to the location where the D5K will reside for the next coming weeks.
“Sweet Williams Garden Center” a purple building.
141 Pine Street, Danvers, MA 01923
A roof, heat, bathroom, water, ample parking, well lit, easy to get to, right off the course.
I know this is not a BAR, but it certainly is a BYOB. So now your favorite beer is always on tap, because you brought it with you.
We will still be taking donations of canned and non-perishable food items for the local food bank, so reach way in the back of the cabinet and break out the Baluga caviar, it’s a long cold winter for alot of people.
If there are any questions or concerns that any of you may have, please do not hesitate to ask, I am your humble servant.
c: 978.815.1576
e: adam@danvers5k.com
The “A” marker is 141 Pine Street.