July 1, 2009


Hello…I am Adams Hangover. I will be posting the results and writing the blog this week. Adam would have liked to have been here in person, but he doesn’t really know where here is right now, so I will in his stead. Hangover is more of a title than a name, so for references sake you can call me “Red” For those of you not satisfied with simple nicknames you can call me Doctor Redbewl Vodkawski. 

As you all know it is no longer July 1st, to be frank it’s the 8th, and it’s under 2 hours from this weeks run, so this may not be the best written blog, or the longest for that matter, but please bare with me for this is not really my element. I usually deal with headaches and vomiting, with a landslide of empty promises, usually to the affect of  “I’m never doing that ever again” or “please make the world stop spinning” you get the idea. 

Being that I am a Hangover, I am void of the things you call legs, it’s not that I don’t have experience with them, it’s just that the only time I seem to see them in action is when Adam is running from his bed to the bathroom to say a little prayer to the porcelain god. So…for me running serves a different purpose than it does for you, but I am sure not always.

so now that we are done with introductions, and are quite comfortable with who we are and what we do, I would like to congratulate the 29 runners who took part your D5K this week. It appears there were 2 first time runners, and 4 personal records. One must also take into consideration that you had a different course this week. I would like to thank all who helped out with directing the runners through the course so that nobody would make a wrong turn and get lost out thereon the mean streets of Danvers.

So before leaving…Goodbye.

Yours Shortly,  Red.



