May 27, 2009


I pity the fool who doesn’t run the D5K….fool. 

I try each week to come up with some creative way of implementing the D5K logo into some form of random but meaningful imagery. I find it to be very much like the act of running itself, you never know how you’re going to do until you start. Some finishes are better than others, couple that with the commentary, and sometimes it makes me want to move to the country and eat a lot of peaches. That being said, I hope the devoted readers do not mind to much the somewhat odd direction that is sometimes taken. I quote a phrase that is close to me, ” beware the path of commonness, for it yields the most roots” Any trail-runner can attest to the literal interpretation of this quote. 

By the way we had 24 runners this week.







One response to “May 27, 2009”

  1. N. Knuckles Avatar
    N. Knuckles

    According to my sources on facebook, today is national running day. And one question — what the heck is the “no” in the cirlce btwn Mr. T’s feet? No flute playing? No teaspoons of cocaine? I just don’t get it…

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