Has it really been 2 years? So if we do some general math (just to get a rough estimate) 52 weeks a year times 2 years = 104 weeks. (YAY, we’re so smart) So we have had 104 D5K’s. Lets say the average for each week was 40 runners. That gives us a total of 124 miles ran each week. So to date, “WE” everyone who has run the D5K, have managed to rack up in the neighborhood of 13,000 miles in 2 years. (Not too shabby) That’s enough miles to run back and forth across the country twice. “RUN Forest RUN” So if we take our little fun math project a little further and say that the average “per mile” pace looked something like 9 minutes, then that equals like 117,000 minutes, or 1,950 hours, or 81 days, or 11 and half weeks, or around 3 months, of straight non-stop running. “How you like them apples?”
Now for the fun math. If each runner averaged 2 beers per week. “Huh…lets be honest shall we?” Ok, so lets say each runner averaged “4” beers per week, that would give us in the ball park of 16,640 beers consumed since the inception of the D5K. Which basically equates to 2 beers per mile, or 693 cases, or 2,773 six packs. Or…if you feel like getting crazy if you average out 16,640 beers at 12oz.s a beer, that gives you close to 200,000 ounces of beer, or 1,563 gallons of beer. Not too shabby.
Alright enough with the math…on to the mushy stuff. I had know idea that the D5K would grow to become what it has, I find it pretty amazing. I can only attribute its growth and life to YOU…and by you, I mean if you’re reading this, than yah you! You who shows up each week rain or shine, and you run, you show up each week and you laugh, you show up each week and you support. So for that I Thank You. We have an amazing group of people who show up every week, if variety is the spice of life, then the D5K kicks Salts ass. Anticipation, is a word I think fits very well for me in my thoughts about the D5K. I anticipate Wednesday’s, I anticipate the D5K, I anticipate interacting with all of you, I anticipate PR’s and first time runners, I anticipate hearing what races happened over the weekend, and which ones are to come, I anticipate the look on the peoples faces at the food pantry when I lug in 6 huge bags of food, and there like “H…S…!” These are the things I look forward too, these are the things that YOU make happen, and for that I thank you. Thank you for 2 years of “REAL” and “GENUINE” and “THURSDAY HANGOVERS”
That’s all I got…thanks.