17 years and still running.

  • D5K “8-Year Anniversary”

    D5K “8-Year Anniversary”

    When: November 25th, 2015 Where: 141 Pine Street. Danvers, MA Time: Promptly at 7-ish. (pm) Why: Because we’re Awesome. You are all invited to the 8 year anniversary of the D5K. My my, how the time flies. I hope you can all come be apart of this years festivities. What we can expect from this…

  • Danvers Rotary 5K

    Danvers Rotary 5K

    What: 4th Annual Danvers Rotary 5k road race When: Sunday May 19th, 2013. Time: 9:00 am. Where: Peabody Institute Library of Danvers 15 Sylvan St. Danvers. Cost: $20 pre-registration. $10 for children 12 years and under. $25 day off. Kick off spring with a really fun 5k race here in Danvers. You can download the…

  • Never Stop Running

    Never Stop Running

      Feel free to use, share, and keep this image, if you would like.

  • ***RUN CHANGES***

    ***RUN CHANGES***

    To all participants of the Danvers 5k Fun Run, we will be instituting a few changes to our run that will address some safety concerns that the town has raised with regards to drivers, pedestrians, and us as runners. These changes are effective immediately, and if you wish to be a part of what we…

  • infographic for runners. boys vs. girls

    infographic for runners. boys vs. girls

  • “The D5K Four Year Annivesary Spectacular”

    “The D5K Four Year Annivesary Spectacular”

    The reign of “Awesomeness” continues into it’s fourth year. This Wednesday, November 23rd. marks the four year anniversary for the D5K. I hope all who read this will be able to come by and be apart of the evening (well “most” of you). I know it is the night before Thanksgiving so a lot of…

  • Bike Local – Shop Local

    Bike Local – Shop Local

    Our friends over at Western Cycle (located right down town) have launched their new website. Swing by and check it out. Also they are having a great holiday promotion. Look for it on their homepage. Western Cycle Site

  • D5K Shirts “time to order”

    D5K Shirts “time to order”

    So here’s the deal, we are going to do another run of D5K shirts so you won’t have to run topless anymore: unless of course you want to, at that point I would suggest getting yourself a D5K tattoo. At any rate. The shirts are going to be $20, and we are going to do…

  • run injury free this season

    run injury free this season

    This Wednesday Deborah from “Human Nature” a local business which is located right around mile 2 on our course will be at the D5K with her massage chair, and she will be giving out free massages for our runners. Sports massage is a great way to run injury free and help your muscles recover from…

  • a Big Card for a Big Man.

    a Big Card for a Big Man.

    Well I had the great privilege of visiting with Our Mr. Bradley Gates this afternoon, and hand deliver to him the best card ever made…ever. It was a real emotional moment, but lucky we are so macho there was no crying. He looked great and his spirits were unquestionably  “Brad” ! Here are a few…