To all participants of the Danvers 5k Fun Run, we will be instituting a few changes to our run that will address some safety concerns that the town has raised with regards to drivers, pedestrians, and us as runners. These changes are effective immediately, and if you wish to be a part of what we have created here, I ask that you abide by them. That being said, these are easy changes and are more factors of common courtesy for all those that we come into contact with during the run.
START OF THE RUN: This is important. The start of the run is no doubt our most interesting section of the course. There are a lot of immediate things that are going on that we have to contend with. The Traffic light, the gas station traffic, and of course the manner in which cars enter and exit McKinnon’s parking lot. After that everything smooth’s right out and we all find our pace. Here is where we really need to show some respect for others on the road. I know we ALL try get across the street as fast as possible to get to the sidewalk on the other side of the street, but we really need to try to accomplish this in a manner that creates the least amount disruption to the cars on the road.
REFLECTIVE GEAR: Everyone has to wear some form of reflective gear. Whether it be a reflective vest, a blinking light, a headlight, or all of the above something needs to be worn. Also it needs to be able to be seen from the front and the back. (For example, only using a headlamp that just shines forward is not sufficient). Drivers etc. need to be able to see you regardless of the direction they are traveling in.
RUNNING ETIQUETTE: Running 2-abreast and 3-abreast is no longer an acceptable practice on certain parts of the course. These areas should be self-evident but I will give you an example. If you are running on the street and the road gets narrow with cars parked on either side do not run 3-abreast. This can easily hinder drivers from being able pass by safely, and casts a bad light on the D5K. Other areas of the course are more amenable to running 2-abreast, (3-abreast in any situation other than passing is not good) these areas should be easily recognizable by 2 easy factors. Wide streets, and little traffic. Again common sense and common etiquette.
NO MORE TIRES: This is a small item, but there will no longer be any dragging of tires during the D5K run.
I am open and available to field any questions or suggestions that anyone may have with regards to any of the items that I have just presented to you.
Thank you all for the time,