How long were you in the Middle East for?
I was in the Middle East for 9 months.
When did you come home?
I deployed Oct 2007, and came home in late June 2008.
What was the experience like?
I was in several countries over there but the most rewarding mission that I was involved in was training Iraqi Marines to defend their Oil Platforms (the Platforms are probably the biggest asset the country has to get their economy back on it’s feet and that makes them a prime target for suicide bombers…they have been attacked before). We also played a part in the VBSS (visit, board search and seizure) of Iraqi (and other country I cannot say…) fishing boats (dhows) for weapons, smuggled oil, drugs, people (held against their will, or known terrorists) etc. I felt like I was making a difference for the future of Iraq training the Iraqis and that is why I liked that mission so much. The experience was once in a life time (well, maybe two if I go again…haha) and it made me realize how lucky we are to live in the country that we do…after seeing how some people live and what their day to day life is like there was no doubt that we live in the greatest country in the world.
Where are you originally from?
I grew up In Beverly.
Where did you go to high school/college?
I moved to Topsfield when I started high school (Bishop Fenwick) and played football there. After that I went to North Shore Community College and received an Associates in Business and after that went to Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston for a Bachelors Degree in Engineering.
Are you married/engaged?
I am single (I have my eye out though…haha!)
Do you have any children?
I’ve never been married and I don’t have any kids.
What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I’m at the gym (the former Gold’s) or over at Cross Fit in Beverly (Dave should pay me for that free advertisement…lol) or swimming a the Danvers YMCA. My passion is surfing and contrary to popular belief in this area we do actually have surfable waves here. I surf through the winter, that’s when the good waves show up and have traveled to Hawaii and Costa Rica on surf trips…I also have a brother in California and I surf when I visit him.
How long have you been running?
I was never a big runner, meaning I wouldn’t just go for a run but playing sports I had to run. It wasn’t until I joined the military that started running on a regular basis. I like it and I really like the Danvers 5k because not only do I get some exercise in but also a chance to meet some great people.