September 16, 2009


A rather light crowd for the early fall evening. 36 runners showed up tonight, armed to the teeth with high fashion reflective clothing, and beers that tasted of pumkins and ciders, and all the smells of fall in New England.

We were missing a few of the regular faces in the lineup this week, but undersandably this time of year can get a little busy, as the daylight grows further elusive, and our to-do lists grow ever more endless. We did manage to wrestle in a few new runners this week. Two, to be more direct, and at the end of there run they were still alive and still smiling…which obviously means they were not running hard enough, I suppose we can let that slide, it being there first run and all. There were 3 regulars who were certainly running hard enough this week, all of whom set personal records. (refer to the results for names and times…I’m to lazy to type them out again. Don’t worry I still love you, I’m just a lazy typer.)

Fall is a very short season, it is also one the most beautiful and one of the best times for running, and not just running, I mean running FAST. So I hope to see some great gains by all of you in the next coming weeks, and remember “I” am your biggest fan.

Love Always,

Sir David Hasselhoff



