Sweet 16 Runiversary & Party

Please join us on November 22 for our Sweet 16 Runiversary & Party.

We will be back at Tim & Michelle’s house for the post run party: 12 Kimberly Drive, Danvers.

In order to start the party earlier, the run will be moved to 6pm just for this day. If you cannot make it for 6pm, feel free to run at 7 and self time, then join us after.

We are going potluck style for all items needed to support the party. Don’t just bring things you think we will need. Nobody needs 40 bags of chips. Please sign up using Sign Up Genius to let us know what you will bring to the party. If your looking for a suggestion, pick the cake or grill items.

As usual, we are collecting money and will put it towards a replacement iPad. Our current iPad is now over 13 years old, hasn’t been eligible for an update since iOS 6, and well past its useable lifecycle. If you want us to keep timing you, please help us out with a hefty donation. Our goal is to buy the latest iPad, plus a protective case. If you’d like to donate in person, please give it to Matt or Suzi. If you would prefer Venmo, use Suzi’s account.



